Synopsis: Eva The Owlet, the animated series based on the New York Times bestselling Scholastic book series “Owl Diaries” by award-winning author Rebecca Elliott, stars Eva, a creative, cheeky owlet who lives next door to her best friend Lucy in the woodland world of Treetopington. With big ideas and an even bigger personality, Eva goes on high-flying adventures, expressing herself in her diary along the way! In “Eva’s Moon Wish,” as Treetopington celebrates a special holiday, Eva helps a lost oriole look for his family—and learns the true meaning of community. (Courtesy Apple TV+, 2024)
The Cast:
Production Credits:
Premiere Date:
It premiered Friday, December 13th, 2024 on Apple TV+.
Movies And Specials: 'Eva The Owlet Holiday Special - Eva’s Moon Wish'
- Details
- By Rick Ellis