Synopsis: Wonder Pets: In the City introduces a trio of heroes: Izzy the Guinea Pig, Tate the Snake, and Zuri the Bunny. These heroic classroom pets live in a kindergarten in New York City and travel all around the globe in their amazing “Jetcar” to rescue animals in musical, mini-opera-themed adventures. When the going gets tough, Izzy, Tate and Zuri always remember to combine their talents and abilities and work together to save the day – because together, there’s nothing they can’t do! (Courtesy Apple TV+, 2024)
The Cast:
Production Credits:
Produced by Nickelodeon Animation, Wonder Pets: In the City is developed by Emmy Award Winner Jennifer Oxley who serves as executive producer alongside Steve Altiere (Pretzel and the Puppies), and Grammy and Emmy Award winner and co-executive producer, Jeffrey Lesser. The new series features the voice talents of newcomers Victoria Scola-Giampapa as Izzy, Vanessa Huszar as Zuri, and Christopher Sean Cooper Jr. as Tate. This music-forward series also features Emmy, Grammy, and Tony Award-winning composers and is accompanied by the FILMharmonic Orchestra.
Show Guide: 'Wonder Pets: In The City'
- Details
- By Rick Ellis